Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Alex Lifeson to participate in Ann Liguori Foundation's 24th annual Charity Golf Classic

Fri, Aug 12, 2022@9:47AM | comments

20110527-200145 Rush Ahoy Rotterdam 1200x0800Sports Broadcaster and award-winning talk show host Ann Liguori will be hosting her 24th Annual Ann Liguori Foundation (ALF) Charity Golf Classic next month on Thursday, September 22nd, at the Maidstone Club in East Hampton, NY, and Rush's Alex Lifeson will be participating. The annual charity outing benefits not-for-profits that work in the field of cancer research and care including the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and East End Hospice. In addition to participating in the event, Lifeson will be receiving the 2022 ALF Music Honoree Award at the Award's Dinner that evening:

... "We're thrilled to honor Hall of Fame guitarist Alex Lifeson, who is a passionate golfer as well. And Dan Pontecorvo, our Business Honoree, is a shining light! And we so appreciate the support from our amazing sponsors, golfers, donors, and volunteers. And the golf community is so very generous, which we're so grateful for," adds Liguori. ...

For all the details, and to register for the event, visit
