Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Rush album artist Hugh Syme to appear at opening of new art exhibit in Austin

Mon, Jun 14, 2021@2:13PM | comments

Longtime Rush album artist Hugh Syme will be opening a new art exhibit at Austin's Ao5 Gallery later this month. The exhibit will include a selection of Syme's best-known works, along with an assortment of previously-unseen originals. The exhibit will kick off with a VIP event on Friday, June 25th from 7-9PM where Syme will meet with attendees and autograph one personal item. The VIP event costs $50 and is limited to 50 attendees with tickets available via Admission also includes hors d'oeuvres and drinks along with a limited-edition signed print of Waiting. Opening night of the exhibit will take place the following evening on Saturday, June 26th with hourly entry available for $5 at 7PM, 8PM and 9PM (tickets available here). The exhibit will then be open to the public during regular hours through the end of July. All artwork will be available for purchase online at, and the gallery will continue to include an ongoing assortment of more than 30 of Syme's works following the exhibit's end. Thanks to Will C for the heads up.
