Netflix launched a new docu-series earlier this month called Song Exploder; a televised version of the popular Song Exploder podcast, which features musicians talking about the creative process behind an individual song while deconstructing the song into its component parts. Episode 2 of the series focuses on Lin-Manuel Miranda's Wait for It from the musical Hamilton. At about the 13-minute mark, Hamilton's musical director/arranger Alex Lacamoire and Miranda discuss a part of the song where the the drums and guitar come in. Lacamoire talks about how he created those parts, and says that the drum part was inspired by John Bonham and "the guitar is, like, playing Rush. ... Dude, that's Rush, like, 1981". They then show a photo of Rush and proceed to play the isolated guitar track, which definitely sounds very Rush-like. You can watch the show on Netflix (subscription required) here. Lacomoire is a huge Rush fan, and completely geeked out when Geddy came to see Hamilton back in 2016 as seen in this post. Thanks to Craig K for the heads up.
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Rush mentioned in new Netflix docu-series Song Exploder episode on Wait for It from Hamilton musical
Mon, Oct 19, 2020@8:33PM | comments