Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Drumhead magazine pays tribute to Neil Peart in latest issue

Sun, Apr 12, 2020@6:30PM | comments

The April, 2020 issue of Drumhead magazine includes an extensive and deeply moving tribute to Neil Peart written by John King. It also includes tributes from a number of Neil's fellow drummers and friends including Martin Deller, Rod Morgenstein, Peter Erskine, Steve Smith, Joe Franco, Chris Stankee, Doane Perry, Jason Bittner, Corey Manske, Jeff Berlin and John Good. John Good recounts his last encounter with Neil this past November:

... It was just before last Thanksgiving that I wrote him an email. He had been responding less and less, but he wrote me back and asked if I wanted to come visit. So, Don and I went together and met Neil at the Man Cave. Neil was moving slow, shuffling around a bit, not really walking around too much. Words were coming slow and he couldn't really write much anymore. We sat down and talked for a while and he said, "I'm not in pain guys, I'm okay." When it was lunch time, Don offered to go across the street to get us some food, so I was there alone with Neil and asked, "Is there anything you want? Anything at all." He said, "No, nothing at all." So, I said, "Well, I want to do something. I want to take your R40 kit and put it in our showroom, behind plexiglass, where people can come in and check it out." He just smiled and said, "That's what I want." He then said, "I have my driver that takes me from my house to the Man Cave every day, and on the way to, I listen to three songs. Then when he picks me up to go home, I listen to three more." I said, "Really? What songs?" Neil said, "Rush songs!" Then he said, "I spent a life time concentrating on my parts. All I could think about was my parts, rehearsing my parts, and trying to be the best possible drummer that I could be for that music. But I never really listened to the embodiment of the music as a whole." He took a minute as I was taking that in, and then he said, "You know John, we were pretty good." As we finished our lunch, we got up to leave and give him a hug-and when you hug Neil Peart, you're hugging a man of great stature-I said, "I hope I see you again soon," and as I turned to walk away, he grabbed my hand, and just gave me a long stare, and a smile.

John over at has transcribed the entire article and made it available online at this location.
