Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Neil Peart cover feature in latest edition of Prog magazine

Thu, Jan 30, 2020@10:24AM | comments

UPDATE - 2/4@9:57AM: John at has transcribed the cover feature and made it available online here.

The latest edition of Prog magazine (#106) will honor the late Neil Peart with a cover feature titled A Farewell to the King. The issue will go on sale this coming Tuesday, February 4th. You can check out a preview of the article's first page here, and an 11-page sampler of the magazine here. From the Prog magazine Facebook page:

... There was only ever one man who was going to grace the cover of this issue and we pay tribute to late RUSH drummer Neil Peart who sadly died last month aged 67. We speak to those who knew him and explore his lyrics and his drumming while the prog and rock world also remember the man they called 'The Professor' ...

Thanks to John at for the heads up.
