Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Geddy Lee on his Big Beautiful Book of Bass in new Phoenix New Times interview

Fri, Nov 1, 2019@9:56AM | comments

Geddy Lee will kick off another string of US book signing events for his Big Beautiful Book of Bass later today at Third Place Books in Seattle. He'll be at Tattered Cover Book Store in Denver on Saturday, at Changing Hands in Phoenix on Sunday, and at BookPeople in Austin on Monday. In the lead up to his Sunday signing event in Phoenix, Geddy took some time out to speak with the Phoenix New Times for an interview where he talks about the book and his vintage bass obsession. Here's what he had to say about Rush fans and the band's legacy:

... our fan base is quite unusual and I think it's because we were never a prototypical rock radio band. We didn't do short songs. We didn't encroach upon the world's top 40 very often. Every once in a while one of our songs would accidentally sneak into the top 40, but our raison d'etre was always to do long and complex, and in the view of some people self-indulgent, musical pieces. And so, as a result, people discovered Rush through word by mouth and by experiencing us live. I think people love to have a favorite band or a favorite thing that not everybody knows about. And that engenders a kind of loyalty-that's how cult bands are. And I think that's what happened with our band.

You can read the full interview online at this location.
