Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

Happy 67th birthday to Neil Peart!

Thu, Sep 12, 2019@8:00AM | comments

UPDATE - 9/13@9:02AM: Geddy Lee wished his bandmate a happy birthday via Instagram:

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On this day back in 1952, our favorite drummer - Neil Ellwood Peart - was born in Hamilton, Ontario. Neil is the old man of Rush and turns 67 today. Geddy and Alex are a year younger than Pratt; both having recently hit route 66 on the aging highway, with Geddy celebrating his 66th birthday back in July, and Alex last month. This past Monday, September 9th was also Neil and his wife Carrie Nuttall's 19th wedding anniversary. They were married back in 2000. Happy birthday Pratt, and happy anniversary Neil and Carrie!
