Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Jan 1, 2025

Happy International Rush Day!

Wed, Dec 21, 2016@8:34AM | comments

The number 2112 has become synonymous with Rush over the years due to their breakout 1976 album of the same name, which was just re-released last week in celebration of its 40th anniversary. And since today is the 21st day of the 12th month - written as 21/12 in most of the world - Rush fans over the years have dubbed it as an unofficial Rush holiday of sorts. Happy International Rush Day everyone! December 21st also happens to be the Winter Solstice, so there's at least one other reason to celebrate too. Four years ago back in 2012 Rush Day was particularly significant and widely recognized because the year was also the 2112 pre-centennial. This year the festivities promise to be a bit more muted - especially given that Rush is in semi-retirement mode at the moment, but it's still always an occasion worth celebrating. What better excuse do you need to listen to Rush all day long, watch Rush DVDs/Blu-rays, wear Rush paraphernalia, and otherwise celebrate Rush fandom? To make it especially significant, do something extra special at exactly 9:12PM this evening; 21:12 in military time. Happy #RushDay everybody!!!
