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Rush: Time Stand Still documentary debuts at #2 on Billboard Music Video chart

Tue, Dec 6, 2016@1:46PM | comments

The new Rush R40 Live tour documentary Rush: Time Stand Still officially released last month on DVD/Blu-ray and is now available to order online (DVD, Blu-ray) or purchase in stores. The documentary ended up debuting at #2 on the Billboard Music Video chart, and has maintained that position into its 2nd week on the charts, just behind The Beatles' Eight Days a Week (thanks John at Several retailers are offering in-store promotions with the purchase of the DVD/Blu-ray including Best Buy, FYE and others as outlined in this promotional video. The DVD/Blu-ray includes 67 minutes of unreleased footage from the band's Presto tour, but it does not include any of the pre-film content shown during the documentary's screening in theaters last month. The film runs for just over an hour-and-a-half and is primarily a documentary about the band's R40 Live tour, with particular focus on it likely being the band's final tour, along with a good deal of attention paid to Rush's rabid and loyal fan base. Trailers and clips from the documentary are available online at the Rush YouTube channel, and you can check out several reviews of the film in this post. John over at has transcribed/scanned the artwork and liner notes and made them available online (liner notes, scans). Last week Rush and Rounder Records ran a #ThankYouRush Ultimate Fan Package Giveaway contest via social media where 5 lucky winners would receive a Rush: Time Stand Still prize package with the Grand Prize package including a Rush R40 commemorative guitar. Contestants had to submit a photo or video (45 seconds max, in landscape) via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #ThankYouRush where they pledge their allegiance to Rush. 10 finalists were chosen and then whittled down to the 5 prizewinners via an online fan vote that closed yesterday. You can check out all the winners along with their entries at this location.

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