Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

New Neil Peart news update at BubbaGram #3

Mon, Nov 30, 2015@2:57PM | comments

Neil Peart has just updated the news page on his website with the third installment in his BubbaGram series. If you recall from his first BubbaGram update from earlier in the fall, Neil indicated that he'd be working on a book to chronicle the R40 Live tour. So in lieu of his regular news updates over the next year or so he is instead periodically posting a BubbaGram where he posts a couple photos from his travels along with a few paragraphs describing the photos. In this latest Bubbagram, Neil posts a couple of photos from a day off between shows in Salt Lake City and Calgary on the 3rd and final leg of the R40 Live tour which you can check out here. Thanks to John at for the heads up.
