Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 27, 2025

New Neil Peart news update at BubbaGram #2

Sat, Oct 24, 2015@6:15PM | comments

Neil Peart has just updated the news page on his website with the second installment in his BubbaGram series. If you recall from his first BubbaGram update from last month, Neil indicated that he'd be working on a book to chronicle the R40 Live tour, and in lieu of his regular news updates over the next year or so he'd periodically post a BubbaGram. He explains in last month's update:

In recent months it became apparent that my experiences on the R40 tour in 2015 were much too vast and deep to fit into a couple of website stories. Plus I had far too many scenic and narrative photographs to fit in my usual format here. It would have to be a book. Yet I did not want to neglect this forum and its audience-just "go dark" on everybody for the year or so it might take to put together a book. A fun solution to that conundrum might be . . . this! During the tour I had been sending occasional images of the day's travels to my circle of friends under the BubbaGram title, so I will continue that theme here. At semi-regular intervals I will post a photograph or two and an anecdote, to represent the work in progress. ...

So for BubbaGram #2, Neil showcases a few photos from his ride between Buffalo and Chicago which you can check out here.
