Last month Rush in partnership with Qello Concerts launched a Qello Concerts Rush channel, providing full-length Rush concerts and documentaries streamed on demand to any device. The channel also includes exclusive behind-the-scenes webisodes from the R40 Live tour, with a new webisode airing each week through the end of the tour. In the 3rd R40 on the Road webisode that was posted last week, Geddy Lee spends about 5 minutes showing off his extensive collection of basses that he's using on Rush's current R40 Live tour as seen exclusively on Qello at this location. Earlier today Qello Concerts posted the 4th R40 on the Road webisode which is the second part of Geddy's backstage interview. In part two Geddy showcases the rest of his incredible bass collection, including what he calls the holy grail of his bass guitars. You can watch this latest episode online here. The first webisode featured Alex Lifeson's guitar tech Scott Appleton and can be seen here. The 2nd episode featured violinist Jonathan Dinklage and can be seen here.
Rush is a Band
A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson
Wed, Jan 1, 2025
R40 on the Road webisode 4: part two of Geddy Lee's bass collection
Fri, Jul 24, 2015@2:25PM | comments