Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

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New Rush feature and Alex Lifeson interview in latest edition of Maclean's magazine

Sun, Jun 7, 2015@11:34AM | comments

The latest edition of Canada's Maclean's magazine contains a large feature on Rush and their R40 Live tour in the Arts section. The article includes several new interview segments with Alex Lifeson as well as Rush manager Ray Danniels, RushCon creative director Jillian Maryonovich, author Chris McDonald and author/biographer Martin Popoff. The article addresses Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart's various health issues and their implications regarding the future of Rush:

... Rush won't be able to play like this forever, or even for very long. Peart is suffering from tendonitis-he has downsized his epic drum solos-and Lifeson has psoriatic arthritis. "I'm starting to feel it in my index finger and my thumb on my left hand, which is kind of critical," he says, "so I get cortisone shots and try to keep it as loose as I can. I'll be 62 soon, and it's getting a little more challenging to stay on top of it."

The band's future, beyond the end of this tour in Los Angeles on Aug. 1, is a question mark: "We've talked quite openly about this possibly being the last major tour that we're going to do," says Lifeson. "There's no point in going out and being the ghost of yourself just to make a few bucks." What's more, having sacrificed family time for Rush's career, he plans to be around for his grandchildren: "I want to be the custodian of great experiences for them-that's a pretty important job."

Still, with Lee living five minutes away in Toronto, Lifeson is always tempted to write music; "I know Neil would be up for it too," he says. And with Danniels "cautiously optimistic" about adding tour dates, Rush's ever-expanding cult needn't wish for time to stand still. ...

You can read the entire feature online here (*SPOILERS*).
