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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Feb 5, 2025

Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Tom Morello guest star in Future User's new Voodoo Juju video

Mon, Jun 1, 2015@1:14PM | comments

Future User is the new musical project of former Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave bassist Tim Commerford. Commerford recently recruited his former bandmate Tom Morello, along with Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson to appear in the music video for the band's new track Voodoo Juju. The video is a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the state of healthcare in the US and includes actual footage of Commerford's back surgery. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson appear as Canadian surgeons who explain the Canadian healthcare system to Commerford, and then perform surgery on him. From

... "Timmy C is not just a great musician, but an artist in the truest sense of the word," says Morello. "His amazing Future User videos are unlike any others in the history of music videos and I'm proud to work with him on his latest. It was a blast hanging out with him and one of our all-time favorite bands, Rush. This new video will likely get us all honorary medical degrees or at least a few comedic acting gigs. The video skewers our broken 'for profit' health care system with great wit and great rock." ...

You can find out more about the video here, and watch it below or on YouTube. Geddy and Alex appear at about the 4-minute mark.
