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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

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Rush Fan Stories book project update

Wed, Apr 29, 2015@4:45PM | comments

Rush Fan StoriesA couple of years ago a new book project with the working title Rush Fan Stories kicked off with the launch of a website at and a Rush fan survey. The project aims to publish a Rush book with the primary focus being on Rush fans and their stories. Since the project first launched they have collected hundreds of surveys from Rush fans the world over. They've also launched a Facebook page, Twitter feed and lined up Donna Halper to write the foreword. Earlier this week they posted an update as to the current status of the project:

... Among those who have submitted surveys and stories are some names that might be familiar to fans. Kevin J. Anderson, who co-wrote Clockwork Angels with Neil Peart, will be submitting his second favorite Rush fan story (he's saving his favorite for Volume Two's foreword). Author of two books about Rush (Contents Under Pressure is authorized), Martin Popoff, is on board, calling the project, "genius". Robert Telleria, who gave us Merely Players, the most encyclopedic look at Rush's career to date, is contributing. As has Christopher J. McDonald, who wrote Rush, Rock Music, and the Middle Class: Dreaming in Middletown. Filmmaker Ari Gold, who gave us Adventures of Power has contributed stories about Neil Peart's participation in the film, plus some behind-the-scenes photos.

Some fans have been handpicked to write about their involvement in projects such as Beyond The Lighted Stage and the Chromey drum kit tour. Others have some amazing collections and have been working on expanding their Rush Fan Stories contribution and taking photos to add. Sadly, some Rush fans have passed away, but thanks to their loved ones, their passion for Rush will be memorialized. One of those fans was Mick Burnett, founder of the Spirit of Rush fanzine. Contributors to that project are being sought out to contribute to Rush Fan Stories, so if you had involvement with that or any other unique project, please send an email.

But it's the average Rush fan that has contributed the most to Rush Fan Stories so far. Fans who got into Rush after hearing the first record have come forward. Other fans tell how their lives were changed on Christmas day, when they received the Rush music they had requested. There are all kinds of other stories: first concerts, meet and greets, romances and marriage proposals, children named after Rush members (some are even named Geddy!), and even some brand new fans have come forward to express their admiration. But mostly, there is story-after-story about life-long friendships that have been formed, strictly because people shared their love of Rush's music.

A Rush Fans' Glossary has been added to the website to help explain some of the terms that Rush fans commonly use. To contribute to the Glossary, send an email
(start your subject line with: Glossary) or comment in the Glossary thread on the Rush Fan Stories Facebook page. If you would like to volunteer to be the curator of the Rush Fans' Glossary for use in the book (with credit) and at, please send an email.

Please continue to spread the word about Rush Fan Stories to all your Rush friends, Like the Facebook page, and follow @RushFanStories on Twitter!
