The December, 2014 issue of Rock Cellar magazine contains a cover feature and new interview with Neil Peart where Neil talks primarily about his recently-released book Far and Near: On Days Like These. Neil also talks about his other writings, including the upcoming Clockwork Lives companion novel to Clockwork Angels that he's writing with Kevin J. Anderson:
... Now we're at work on another series of stories from the Clockwork Angels universe because we didn't want to leave it, and there were so many incidental characters in the story that we wanted to know and tell their stories too. So even getting into the world of fiction like that with Kevin has been a rewarding collaboration that is always positive. ...
The interview doesn't contain much in the way of news about Rush or their future plans, but he does say the following:
... Something I always say about a band of three, especially like us, is we can't be a democracy. You can't have two against one. It's never going to work it, has to be consensus. You have to keep working on something and then it goes back to something we talked about a little while earlier, you have to keep plugging away. We've had songs that the two of us like and the other one doesn't. ...
You can read the entire interview online here, and order your copy of Neil Peart's Far and Near at this location. The book is a follow-up to Peart's 2011 book Far and Away: A Prize Every Time and is another collection of his blog posts since that last book was released.
NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.