Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Jan 1, 2025

New Alex Lifeson interview in first US edition of Red Hot Rock magazine

Fri, Apr 11, 2014@10:24AM | comments removed/disabled

Earlier this week we learned that the first US edition of Swedish magazine Red Hot Rock was published this past week and that it contained a cover feature on Rush, including a new interview with Alex Lifeson. John over at has transcribed the feature and made it available online here. Alex touches on a number of subjects including the band's future, reiterating what he told Rolling Stone a few weeks ago regarding a planned 2015 tour:

... We're on holiday and we sort of decided when the tour ended that we weren't really gonna think about what we were going to do for at least a year. We really needed to take a break. We were working pretty steadily for a lot of years, but particularly the last four or five years. And we really needed an opportunity to clear our heads and catch our breaths. We haven't discussed it too much, but that's just us. All around us, everybody's making plans for us. And it looks like we'll probably be going out next spring. Spring, 2015. So, we haven't discussed anything about the show or about the material or any of that stuff. But we're sort of aiming towards that as the start date for the next tour. But that'll be, I guess, our 41st anniversary tour or 40th plus, whatever. And we'll see how it goes. We need to stay healthy until then, though. ...

Alex also talks about Vapor Trails Remixed, the Rush ReDISCovered LP box set, the Private Stock Alex Lifeson Thinline acoustic guitar, and more. The issue is available in 2 covers (seen here), one of which features the Rush explosion logo with the tagline Time traveling with Alex Lifeson: Two Interviews!. The magazine is available at all Barnes & Noble locations.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
