Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Jan 22, 2025

It's official! Rush FINALLY nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!

Thu, Oct 4, 2012@7:22AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 10/8@12:54PM: Here's a video news story on Rush's nomination from the CBC's The National (thanks bucklemyshoe). It features Paul from The Canadian Music Scene along with some photos from last year's April 15th protest at the Rock Hall (I'm in there!).

UPDATE - 10/8@9:59AM: Here are a few good analyses of the 2013 class of nominees; one from Rock Hall Monitors, this one from NPR, and another from Gonna Need a Bigger Boat.

UPDATE - 10/5@11:52AM: Here's's Geekdad column discussing Rush's Rock Hall nomination (thanks drmike).

UPDATE - 10/4@7:47PM: These 2 LA Times music critics decided to post an 11-minute video of themselves talking about how Rush doesn't deserve to be in the Rock Hall (thanks Sean). Please watch the video and tell them what you think. Oh and there's this idiot too (thanks Brad Hirsh of Used Bin).

UPDATE - 10/4@2:44PM:'s coverage of the nomination announcement includes a poll where they ask which Grammy-winning or Grammy-nominated artist will end up being inducted. So go vote for Rush!

UPDATE - 10/4@1:51PM: New poll to celebrate the occasion. Now that they've finally been nominated, what do you think are Rush's chances of actually being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013? Take the poll and let us know.

UPDATE - 10/4@12:13PM: Here's a great write-up on Rush's nomination in the LA Times: Rush vindicated: A Rock Hall of Fame berth for Canadian rock band.

UPDATE - 10/4@10:50AM: The Future Rock Legends site has a nice write-up on their early impressions of the list of nominees here.

It's a cold day in Hell and pigs are flying! Rush has FINALLY been nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Last night the rumors began to fly when 92.3 KGON posted what looked like an official announcement to their Facebook page. Then early this morning the official word went out via the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame website, Facebook and the news wire. Also nominated are Deep Purple, Heart, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts and a dozen others including Rush. The complete list is at this location. The 15 nominees will now be whittled down to a list of 5 or 6 inductees by a group of 600 or so past inductees, music historians, and other music industry insiders. And for the first time ever, the Rock Hall is offering the public a chance to participate in the process by creating an online fan poll that will count as one of the votes - so go vote for Rush!. The results will be announced sometime in December and the induction ceremony will take place on April 18th at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. I've always thought that if Rush ever could just get past the Nominating Committee, they would be a shoo-in for induction. This also seems to be the emerging consensus from the music industry press since the announcement was made. Almost every story covering the subject so far contains Rush in the headline and leads off with some mention of the band. Here's Rush's official reaction to the announcement via the band's Facebook page:

"We are honored to be among the nominees for this year's Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame. We are especially thrilled for the many, many dedicated RUSH fans to whom this nomination is so very important." - Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart

Here's the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's video announcement of the inductees. Rush's piece comes in at about the 5:30 mark:

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
