Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Feb 12, 2025

Winnipeg open thread

Sat, May 24, 2008@10:24AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 5/30@12:14PM: Pics from the show are now up on in the Multimedia: Rush on the Road section.

UPDATE - 5/28@4:11PM: Rush donated $100,000 from this show's ticket sales to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

UPDATE - 5/25@10:11AM: ... and here's a review from the Winnipeg Sun.

UPDATE - 5/25@8:16AM: Here's a review from the Winnipeg Free Press (thanks theanalogkid).

Rush begins the Canadian leg of the tour tonight, playing Winnipeg for the first time in over 20 years (I believe they last played there on the Power Windows tour). In an article posted yesterday by Rob Williams of the Winnipeg Free Press Geddy Lee apologizes to Canadians for ignoring much of their home country on recent tours.

... We basically ignored a lot of Canada to focus on the rest of the world for a long time, and as our touring slowed down, we sacrificed a lot of the world," the Rush frontman says over the phone days before beginning the next leg of the band's Snakes & Arrows tour. "We didn't get to England for 20 years, so it's not like we ignored Western Canada. We just concentrated on our bigger markets and just focused on the bare essentials. Now we enjoy touring more and the last couple of tours we're hitting places we haven't been to for a long time ...

You can read the entire article at this link. To all my Canadian friends, happy Victoria Day! And for those going to the show tonight, have a great time and tell us all about it.

Date/Time: Saturday, May 24th @ 7:30PM
Show Number: 20
Venue: MTS Center
Place: Winnipeg, MB

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